Re: Sending slots to main thread (implemented)

En/na Chris Vine ha escrit:
> On Sat, 2007-09-01 at 15:52 +0200, joaquinduran adtelecom es wrote:
>> On Sat Sep  1 14:38 , Chris Vine  sent:
>>> You can however use the unwrapped g_idle_add() for passing your
>>> callbacks to the thread in which the default programme GMainContext is
>>> running, if you want.
>> Thanks but I think that my proposed class is working fine.
> I have replied separately on the part of your e-mail about disconnecting
> and connecting slots in Glib::Dispatcher objects, and I wanted to delay
> replying on this other point until I had produced some code which I had
> checked.
> Obviously your approach works fine.  However, it can be reduced down to
> just this:
> ------
> extern "C" gboolean slot_wrapper(void*);
> inline gboolean slot_wrapper(void* data) {
>   try {(*static_cast<sigc::slot<void>*>(data))();}
>   // we can't propagate exceptions in functions with C linkage
>   catch (...) {std::cerr << "Exception thrown in ...\n";}
>   delete static_cast<sigc::slot<void>*>(data);
>   return false;
> }
> inline void dispatch_slot(const sigc::slot<void>& callback) {
>   g_idle_add(slot_wrapper, new sigc::slot<void>(callback));
> }
> ------
> You would need to include glib/gmain.h for this to compile.  The
> "public" function to call is dispatch_slot(), the other is just a C
> callback wrapping the slot.
> This would form an alternative to the Glib::SignalIdle::connect_once()
> proposal, and I could provide it as a patch in Glib namespace if the
> glibmm maintainers think it useful (but a name other than
> Glib::dispatch_slot() would probably have to be chosen).
> Chris

I've modified the program to include your changes. They are working fine.

I've a question: does the g_idle_add dispatches the events at the same
priority than the dispatcher or at a lower one?

Thanks and Best Regards,
Joaquim Duran

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