Re: Signal for treeview row change

On 10/8/07, Andreas Volz <lists brachttal net> wrote:
> Hello,
> I use this to connect a signal handler in a treeview:
>   m_siteTreeView.signal_row_activated().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this,
>                  &SideBar::onTreeviewRowActivated)
> But the signal is only thrown if I double click on a row. But I like a
> signal if I normal click the treeview.

It depends on what exactly you are trying to do, but you might be able
to use the Gtk::TreeSelection::signal_changed() signal.  Alternately,
you could possibly use Gtk::TreeView::signal_button_press_event()
signal in conjunction with Gtk::TreeView::get_path_at_pos().


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