(Un)Maximize Event


I have a problem whne i (un)maximize a window..

I hava a GTK::Fixed where i place 3 images on the right side of the
Fixed.. so i want to change the place where the images apear when i
(un)maximize the window..

i make something like this:

*********************** example code ***************

bool windowBorder::maxWindow(GdkEventButton* event){

int width, height, minpos, maxpos, exitpos;

if(windowMState == false){
 windowMState = true;
windowMState = false;

minpos = width - 101;
maxpos = width - 70;
exitpos = width - 38;
m_Box_Window.move(event_Min, minpos,0);
m_Box_Window.move(event_Max, maxpos,0);
m_Box_Window.move(event_Exit, exitpos,0);

return true;



my porbles is tha for example when i maximize the window this function:


take the unmaximized size of the window.. is like if it where a delay
betwen the maximize() function and the maximization.. 

any way to solve this problem??

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