Re: Moving examples and documentation into their own module

On 10/1/07, Murray Cumming <murrayc murrayc com> wrote:
> I'm thinking of moving the gtkmm book and its examples (not the API
> reference) into a gtkmm-documentation module, so we can have examples
> that use libglademm and other higher-up stuff, without making gtkmm
> depend on them.
> We did this successfully for the maemomm-documentation module:
> Any objections?

I've tried coming up with problems that this would cause but I haven't
really been able to come up with any yet.  The one question I have is:
currently, gtkmm contains a lot of examples that aren't actually used
in the gtkmm tutorial.  Are you proposing to move all of these to the
-documentation module or just the ones that are used in the tutorial?


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