How does Gtk::TreeView::Selection::select() work?

Hi, I have a quick question; How does the Gtk::TreeView::Selection::select() method work? Is it as if a click was done on a row with the mouse or different? I've noticed something weird in my program and want to make sure I'm not doing something wrong: I've connected a slot to listen for TreeView selection changes using Gtk::TreeView::Selection::signal_changed().connect(...). In the callback member function I get the current selection (Gtk::TreeIter), try to access the row and then get a column in the row (by dereferencing and indexing the iterator with a Gtk::TreeModelColumn). If I click the row in the TreeView with the mouse, all works as expected, but if I call "select()" from within the program, the slot gets called, but accessing the row (ie, dereferencing) is impossible. Am I doing something wrong somewhere? Thanks.


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