Re: ScrolledWindow on_button_release_event

Jan Burgmeier wrote:

I have a Gtk::Image inside a Gtk::ScrolledWindow and I try to ctach the on_button_release_event when clicking on the image.
I have tried to connect the event to the main Window and directly to the Image and ScrolledWindow but nothing helps.
The on_button_press_event is connected to the main Window and works.

I tried:

remoteScreenWindow is the Gtk::ScrolledWindow.

remoteScreenWindow.signal_button_release_event().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &gui::on_button_release_event), false);

bool gui::on_button_release_event(GdkEventButton *e)
  std::cout << "Release" << std::endl;

  return true;

I compile under Windows XP with MinGW and GCC 3.4.5 and Gtk+ 2.10.11 and Gtkmm 2.10.10

Jan Burgmeier
I'm not positive, but it might have something to do with 'return true;'

You might get some insight to the problem by doing this:

   return this->on_button_press_event(e);

I had a problem a week or so ago that ended up being related to returning 'true' instead of on_button_press_event(). I'm not sure if it will help you or not, but it might be worth experimenting with.

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