release build works, but debug build fails!?

I use gtkmm under Windows XP.

I build my projects using Code::Blocks and GCC 4.1.2 for MinGW.

I can easily build the ***RELEASE*** version of the "Main Menu example" from "Programming with gtkmm":

0 errors, 0 warnings

But when I try to build the ***DEBUG*** version the link stage yields:

obj\Debug\main.o: In function `Z41__static_initialization_and_destruction_0ii': D:/ProgWin/GTK/gtkmm/include/gtkmm-2.4/gtkmm/papersize.h:37: undefined reference to `Glib::ustring::ustring(char const*)'

The debug and release include directories are identical.

The debug and release libraries are identical, except for the following:

debug library:				release library:
gtkmm\lib\atkmm-1.6d.lib		gtkmm\lib\atkmm-1.6.lib
gtkmm\lib\cairomm-1.0d.lib		gtkmm\lib\cairomm-1.0.lib
gtkmm\lib\gdkmm-2.4d.lib		gtkmm\lib\gdkmm-2.4.lib
gtkmm\lib\glibmm-2.4d.lib		gtkmm\lib\glibmm-2.4.lib
gtkmm\lib\gtkmm-2.4d.lib		gtkmm\lib\gtkmm-2.4.lib
gtkmm\lib\pangomm-1.4d.lib		gtkmm\lib\pangomm-1.4.lib
gtkmm\lib\sigc-2.0d.lib			gtkmm\lib\sigc-2.0.lib

What am I doing wrong?

Werner Wenzel


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