How to unsort a model


I experience a serious performance problem when trying to append a large number of rows (~ 10.000) to a sorted model.

I think that the problem is that the model is sorted, and so each time a row has to be appended the previously appended rows must be traversed in order to find the place for the new one. I have concluded that after comparing the time spent to append rows when the model is sorted and the time spent when it is not, and that time varies from a few seconds to more than a minute.

So I definitely wanted to "cancel" sorting during the appending, and then "resume" sorting again. But I see no way to achieve that. Once you call set_sort_column() on all the TreeViewColumn's of a TreeView, and you have clicked at least once on the head of any column, then the underlying TreeModel remains sorted forever!

So, is there a way to tell a TreeModel to cancel sorting for a while?



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