Re: Maemomm

On Tuesday 26 June 2007 09:00, Murray Cumming wrote:
> On Mon, 2007-06-25 at 22:45 +0100, Robert Pearce wrote:
> [snip]
> > However, a RefPtr will be
> > _cast_ to a C++ pointer automatically and invisibly,
> [snip]
> No, that's not true. And you should never need to use the raw pointer.

Fair enough. I thought I'd had to do so but since I can't find the instance 
I'm probably misremembering. In any case, a RefPtr _can_ be used "as if" it 
were a normal pointer in most of the cases you would want to.

> If you need a raw _C_ pointer, you can use ->gobj(), but you shouldn't
> need that often either.

That one I have had to do, but it was for kludgy reasons.

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