gstreamermm / gmmproc Problems

Hi everyone,

I've started wrapping GStreamer into gstreamermm (using gmmproc and all, the way it should be)

An SVN repository is located here:
(svn co)

Now I am having the following problem: For gstmm, I need my own conversion macros, and so on. The source tree is based on the source tree of gtksourceviewmm, carefully 'generated' manually by taking the gtksourceviewmm tree and removing all the existing code, hg/ccg files and adapting everything to a Gst:: namespace, and gst_ prefixes, etc.

Now, as for the conversion macros, during the processing of the .hg/.ccg files, gmmproc just doesn't see them (them == my own m4 macros).

They are located inside $(top_srcdir)/tools/m4, like for all *mm projects, and certainly the way it was when it was still the gtksourceviewmm tree, and while gmmproc does even include that dir when it runs, it just doesn't see them, resulting in broken output code.

Could some kind soul knowledgable about gmmproc please do a checkout of the above source tree, and tell me what's wrong, because really i've either lost it, or i'm just not seeing something that is totally obvious, or gmmproc doesn't work right for some reason. (The source is tiny and requires only to have gstreamer-0.10 and gstreamer-0.10-dev/-devel to be installed, as well as glibmm-devel of course for gmmproc).

Thanks in advance!

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