Re: Treeview with editable checkboxes besides items?

Jef Driesen wrote:
Milosz Derezynski wrote:
That's not really how this works. Instead:

- You associate the renderer with an e.g. boolean column:
column->add_property (*cell, "active",
- You connect to the toggled() signal: cell->signal_toggled().connect
(sigc::mem_fun (*this, &YourClass::callback_toggled))
- In the handler you do something like:

callback_toggled (Glib::ustring const& string_path)
  TreeIter iter = your_model->get_iter (string_path);
  (*iter)[your_column_instance.bool_col] = !bool

This approach works fine. Thanks!

There is one minor issue now. Clicking the name (not the checkbox!) also toggles the checkbox. This is annoying if the user only wants to change the selection. Is there a way to prevent this? Changing the name works more intuitive: the first click changes the selection and editing starts with another click.

To answer my own question: This effect can be obtained by changing the mode for the CellRendererText:

renderer->property_mode() = Gtk::CELL_RENDERER_MODE_ACTIVATABLE;

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