Re: How to make a Gtk::Window popup?

Hi SaiKamesh,

Please don't reply personally to me. I posted a response to the list because that's the right way to behave.

On Fri, 1 Jun 2007 14:35:22 +0530 you wrote:
> When the "Display Keyboard"  button added in the main screen is clicked, the
> keyboard screen should get displayed.
> I have done this. There is no problem in popping up the keyboard screen.
> what my problem is when the keyboard screen comes to visible, the task bar
> is getting displayed, the taskbar should be hided at this point of time.

I assume you don't actually mean that. The task bar itself should not be hidden because a window you think of as a "popup" has appeared. So I assume what you mean is that you want the keyboard window not to have its own task bar entry.

If so, the answer was posted here quite recently, I think. Try looking at the GTKmm documentation for the "window" widget class, and scroll down until you find "set_skip_taskbar_hint".

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