Re: Signaling TreeView to update

On Wed, Jul 25, 2007 at 10:57:54AM -0500, Robert Caryl wrote:
> Use a dispatcher in your GUI window that will call Gtk::Widget::queue_draw for
> your Gtk::TreeView whenever your thread updates the Gtk::TreeModel displayed by
> your Gtk::TreeView.

This worked, thank you. I'm still a bit confused why the Gtk event loop didn't
just wake up on its own, but I'll accept this and move on.

Follow up: I have set up a callback for custom rendering based on
the values in the cells using set_cell_data_func, and I'm seeing many more
callbacks than I would expect. At a minimum, it appears the callback for a
given cell is triggered three times for each write into the model for that
cell, and then once more for every cell in the view when the
TreeModel::queue_draw executes. Finally, it appears that other input events
such as mousing over the cells can cause a callback.

Is this expected, or am I doing something else wrong? Are the events that
should trigger this callback enumerated somewhere?

Thanks very much for the help.

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