Tooltip hints on tabs

Hi List
I have a problem again how do I put tooltip hints on the tabs of a
Gtk::Notebook  I've tried to put it on the widgets I have in the tab
(I have a hbox with a label and a button in it ) but they don't support
the method set_tooltip_text(const Glib::ustring& text) well I suppose
the button might but it's tiny (just a cross to close the tab) anyway
does any one know how to do this.

  In my life God comes first.... but Linux is pretty high after that :-D
Grizzly(Francis Smit)
Version: 3.1
GM/CS/P/PA d- s+:+> a+>? C++++ UL++++@ P+ L+++ E--- W+++ N+(++) K w--- M-- V-- PS(+) PE(-) Y+(++) PGP++ t+(++) 5 X- R- tv b+++(++++) DI(--) D G e++(+++) h-- r- y-

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