Seg Fault when accesing a widget from other object


I'm trying to change a widget content from a object that was created before the Main window of the app.


contains a pointer to
contains a pointer to
*TestWindow: Gtk::Window*
contains a

I obtain segFault when a member function in AppManager try to:


where UIManager calls TestWindow->updateStatusMsg(); etc,etc,

until StatusBar is reached... then, a seg Fault occurs.

when I call updateStatusMsg("something"); INSIDE the UIManager, StatusBar is updated correctly.

There's any error in my architecture, or looks like I'm doing something nasty with pointers (all references are pointers)?

best regards, and thanks in advance,

/*/Víctor M. Palacio Tárrega/*/

c/ Alts Forns 36-44, 3º 1ª

08038. Barcelona

telf: + 34 932 237 900

fax: + 34 932 237 901 <>

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