Making a Gtk::Window ( WINDOW_POPUP ) work as a Gtk::MessageDialog


I am creating GUI by using gtkmm in C++ . It will be deployed in touch screen. In my application I have created a keyboard window. If any invalid text is typed on the keyboard, a small pop up window will be  invoked saying  invalid text.

I have invoked the popup window as:
Gtk::Window* win;
win = Gtk::manage ( new Gtk::Window ( Gtk::WINDOW_POPUP ) );
win->set_size_request ( 270,370 );
win->set_position ( Gtk::WIN_POS_CENTER_ALWAYS );

I did not add any button on the pop up window to close it. I added timer to close this window so that it is getting closed In 3 seconds.

At the time of displaying this pop up window, the user should not be able to press any button in the background window ( ie) in my keyboard window ). The user should only be able to click the buttons in the keyboard window after the pop up window got closed. That is, while displaying Gtk::MessageDialog, we are not able to press any button in the background window. I want my pop up window to behave like the same.

Please give me some ideas to do this!

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