Use gtkmm on Win32? Or QT? Or .NET?

Hi all,

I downloaded gtkmm and did some small test progams for Win32 with VC8.

I am considering to use gtkmm for an application but still am not sure if that's the right way. It will be a control software for a professional audio device, so I have (among others) to plot curves and show level meters and some other stuff which is not (yet) available in gtkmm. Thus, I would have to program that myself which costs a lot of time.
There is gtkextra and gtkextra-- but they seem a bit outdated (2005).
There is some other stuff which might be useful but:

Either it is not available for gtkmm (c++) or not included in the win32 port.

One possibility would be to download the source e.g. of gtkextra-- and compile it under win32 but I haven't found instructions or tips how to build gtk+ and gtkmm under win32 from source.

I would really like to use gtkmm but maybe it would cost too much time and I don't have too much of it.
So, what are the alternatives of using gtkmm?

-> Switching to .NET or using QT.

QT comes with hell of a lot of widgets which I could use right away.
.NET is not really what I want but could be the fastest option. (?)

In my app, the layout of the GUI is not fixed, since some of the controls appear or disappear depending on the settings of the device. This is nicely solved in gtk(mm) by the packing algorithm. Is that also possible (in the same elegant manner) in QT or .NET. Yes, I know, this is maybe offtopic.

Will somebody share some thoughts?

Best regards,


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