TreeModel and TreeView


I'm examining the exmaple code from gtkmm sources (examples/treemodelcustom). I have compiled and run it and have some question. The first operation that is called is ExampleTreeModel::get_iter_vfunc(const Path& path, iterator& iter) and then "_number_of_rows_" times iter_has_child_vfunc + iter_next_vfunc. Then get_value_vfunc is called... so I was thinking that get_value_vfunc is called only when TreeView need information for rendering the cell...but it looks like that it is called even when only one row is visible... So my question is if it is possible somehow to achieve that get_value_vfunc is called only when row is to be rendered... I want to display some data from DB where is about 10.000+ want to fetch row on demand...not all rows at begining



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