Re: Treeview row click to open the entry text

В Чтв, 15/02/2007 в 18:12 -0300, Arthur Maciel пишет:
> Hi there.
> I have a treeview that contain editable cells with text entries on its
> second column (the first column contains just a label). When I want to
> write on the text entry, I have to click one time (to select the row)
> and a second time (to "open" the text entry). Is there a way to move
> the focus and enter the "edit mode" on the text enty when just
> clicking one time at the treeview row? 
> Don´t believe I was clear. Please let me know if you could not
> understand.

connect to button_press_event (dunno if TreeSelection::selection_changed
works as well)
use TreeView::set_cursor to start editing


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