Autoconf/Automake needs

I've talked to Jonathon Jongsma and he told me the appropriate place to copy the plugins into would be @prefix@/lib/myprogname, where @prefix@ is an autotools
defined variable , usually /usr or /usr/local. So in make Makefile I could put this under section 'install:'.

I asked him how could my program could find the modules if the user has run 'make', but not 'make install'. He told me that most programmers make the program to check at the local dir, then at the

The same logic would happen to the .glade file (for libglademm projects). It could be copied to

Thanks, Jonathon!

PS.: To generate the modules with autotools, I've embbeded bash script into the of the plugins directory, so it is fully copied into the Makefile. If anyone interests in it, please contact me.

>Hi there, guys.
>Once more, congratulations to all the work you've been doing with GTKmm and derived >libraries.

>I've read some Autconf/Automake tutorials with C++ and its variants (libtool, pkg-config, >etc.), but I wonder if you could give me an advice. I've built a plugin system using glibmm >module class and when all my program is compiled, some .cpp files corresponding to the libs >on the @top_srcdir@/src/plugins should be compiled as shared libs (.so without version, like >abnt.cpp -->

>The main question is where should I put this modules when compiled, once the user has >'make install'ed the program? I'm using Linux. On Windows it is easy to imagine the >c:\Program Files\My Program\plugins containing all the dll's inside it. I believe a separate dir >(maybe in the user home dir) would make things easier, as the program could open that dir >and deduce that all files there are modules to be loaded. Have you understood the scene?

>Arthur Maciel

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