GUI Exception, Help!!

As I have just started programming with GTKmm, I would like to add a GUI interface to my
Exception class. I have been using my Exception class for some time now and I am quite happy
with it. Now, adding a GUI interface to the Exception handler class will constitute as huge step
into the GUI programming world, and a very good self-padding on my shoulder, hi-hi-hi.
Attached is a copy of my Exception class, should you need to use it, it is text base, but it
does the trick with debugging and elow is a the GtkmmException class that is supposed to give me a nice GUI MessageBox.

--------------- Header File ------------------

#include <gtkmm/messagedialog.h>
#include <glibmm/ustring.h>
#include "../exception.hpp"

namespace jme{
class GtkmmException : virtual public jme::Exception{
   Gtk::MessageDialog* MsgD;
   virtual ~GtkmmException() throw(){};
   void Display();
}; //Class
} // Namespace

--------------- Source Code File ------------------
 #include "gtkmm_exception.hpp"


void jme::GtkmmException::Display(){
   Glib::ustring Msg( this->getMessage() );

   if(Msg.empty()){Msg = "Empty";}

   MsgD = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::MessageDialog(Msg));


The class is very simple, it just extends the jme::Exception class, however, when working with
the class I use it like this:

namespace jme{
   class JaimeEx : public GtkmmException {
    JaimeEx( jme::error_t ec, const std::string& f,
             const std::string& m, size_t l ) {
        setException( ec, f, m, l );
    virtual ~JaimeEx() throw(){}
   }; //class
   class Jaime : public Gtk::Window{
      some_class* obj;
   }; // class
} // namespace
----------------------- implementation  file ---------------

   return_type jme::Jaime::SomeMethod(){
   try{ obj = new some_class();}
   catch(std::bad_alloc& x){throw jme::JaimeEx(mem_alloc, FILE, METHOD, LINE);}

Whoever caches the throwned exception will call the Display method. At least that is what I would
like to happen. The program compiles without any errors, but I get a Run-Time error from MSW.

A side from my style of programming, which I am sure differers from yours, I would like to know
if I am doing something wrong and how to solve my mistake.

Thanks in advance.

Attachment: exception.hpp
Description: Binary data

Attachment: exception.cpp
Description: Binary data

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