adding widget to vbox created by glade

Hi all,

I'm using glade to design my interface. I want to add a
Gtk::VolumeButton but glade doesn't have this widget.

So, instead I'm trying to add the volume button using code.

Here's what I have:

	Gtk::Window *notWindow;
	refXml->get_widget("notificationWindow", notWindow);
	Gtk::VBox *myvbox = 0;
	refXml->get_widget("mainVbox", myvbox);
	Gtk::HBox *mybuttons = 0;
	refXml->get_widget("buttonsHbox", mybuttons);
	Gtk::VolumeButton my1223;

The problem is, it's not adding "my1223" volume button. I tried
pack_start, pack_end, add methods etc. Remove-ing and pack_end-ing
"mybuttons" works fine and if I don't pack_end "mybuttons" they don't
show up. So, the question is are we allowed to add widgets created in
code to objects created by libglademm?

Any help would be appreciated.


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