Re: Signals in threads

Hi, I stumbled on this post trying to figure out how to use Glib::Thread and
dispatcher.... how do you make the 'worker thread' aware of the
Glib::Dispatcher?? should the threaded function be a member of the GUI class
or should the dispatcher be passed as an argument to the tread function... I
am new to this type of thing (using threads) so i'm not sure how to approach

I have it working by having the thread function as a member in my GUI class. 
However, I prefer not to do that as I might need to use that function
somewhere else and would rather have it in a different class that could be
used in other dialogs/windows in my app.  any suggestions are much

thanks in advance,

Robert Caryl wrote:
> Hey Mike:
> First, you need to declare a Gtk::Dispatcher object in your GUI class.  
> It will be the conduit from your worker threads to your GUI (and usually 
> primary) thread.  Next, in your GUI class you declare a function to 
> handle the data coming from your worker thread that you will use to 
> update your GUI, and you use it as a callback slot to connect to your 
> Gtk::Dispatcher:
> Gtk::Dispatcher my_dispatcher;
> my_dispatcher.connect(sigc::mem_fun(*myclass,&MyClass::my_callback_slot));
> Then, in the worker thread, you just call the dispatcher as a function:
> my_dispatcher();
> whenever you wish to update your GUI. 
> In my case, I had also declared in my GUI class a 
> std::vector<Glib::ustring> object to which my worker thread pushed back 
> string data that I wanted to add to a Gtk::TextBuffer displayed in a 
> Gtk::TextView in my GUI class.  My callback slot would pop the 
> Glib::ustrings off this vector one at a time and add them to the 
> Gtk::TextBuffer whenever it was called by the dispatcher.  Therefore, my 
> worker thread would push back strings to this vector object just prior 
> to calling the dispatcher.
> I hope this helps.
> Bob
> /*Bob Caryl*
> Fiscal Systems,Inc.
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> Mike Polan wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I need to emit certain signals inside a running Glib::Thread in order 
>> to relay some information to the rest of my app. However, from what I 
>> know, I don't believe that it is really safe to emit such signals that 
>> are connected to a Gtk::Window, which in turn will call some GUI 
>> functions, directly from inside threads. Someone mentioned something 
>> about Glib::Dispatcher to me, but I'm not quite sure if that's what's 
>> needed to accomplish my task. In any case, how would I go about doing 
>> something like this?
>> Thanks in advance.
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