Re: Question about the documentation

On 7/29/07, Gianni Moschini <gianni moschini gmail com> wrote:
> I'm talking about this tutorial:
> I'm surprised. That's some great doc there.
> I was trying to build some kind of website for doing some doc (about
> something else) but this is far better.
> And I'm interested in the look-and-feel too. I suppose it's builded
> with some LaTex, but as I don't find any "About this document" annex
> at the end with the traditionnal "Created with latex2html" part I have
> some doubt.
> I want to know how this is builded. What tools are used to generate this?

The tutorial is written in docbook XML format and processed with the
docbook xsl stylesheets to generate html.  You can find more details
in the gtkmm subversion repository here:
gtkmm-tut.xml is the document, contains the build rules
used to generate html from the docbook xml.  And then there are some
other files such as stylesheets and images that are used to create the
visual design of the tutorial.


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