Re: How to unselect a row in the TreeView, when it is selected secondtime?


This sure isn't working.  I'll get back when I get it figured out a bit better.


On 4/24/07, Paul Davis <pjdavis engineering uiowa edu> wrote:

You're gonna have to track the selection manually.  This will require
you to connect to the signal_button_press.

The basic outline will basically be something like:

//Some necessary values.
Gtk::TreeView* tree_view = ... ;
Glib::RefPtr< Gtk::TreeSelection > selection = .... ;

//Notice the connect_notify() as opposed to connect()
tree_view->signal_button_press_event().connect_notify( ... )

on_button_press( GdkEventButton* ev )
      Gtk::TreeModel::Path p ;
      Gtk::TreeViewColumn* tvc ;
      int cx ;
      int cy ;

      if( ! tree_view->get_path_at_pos( ( int ) ev->x, ( int ) ev->y,
p, tvc, cx, cy )
         return ;

      if( tree_selection->is_selected( p ) )
         tree_selection->unselect( p ) ;
          tree_selection->select( p ) ;

Should be pretty much it unless I'm forgetting something.


On 4/24/07, SaiKamesh Rathinasabapathy <rsaikamesh gmail com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have added a tree_view( Gtk::TreeView ) in a window.
> What I have to do is, if a row is selected at the first time, then it will
> be highlighted. -> Actually we don't need to do anything for this. It will
> automatically be highlighted.
> If the same row is clicked (or selected) at the second time, the row should
> be unselected.
> if the same row is clicked (or selected) at the third time, then it sholud
> again be highlighted.
> I tried to do the above several times. But I could not do it.  Please help
> me out to do this!
> Thanks in advance!
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