Application hangs after thread execution

I keep running into a situation where my program suddenly hangs after a particular thread is done doing its job. Actually, it doesn't technically "hang", it will actually respond to clicks and things, its just that the application window itself freezes. For example, if I click the in the vicinity of the "Quit" button, the program will exit normally despite the fact that the entire window is grayed out as if it has frozen.

Also, this behavior doesn't happen every time, but it does happen frequently. I assume it has something to do with the thread updating certain widgets, but I can't figure out why the behavior is so inconsistent. Additionally, when I do not use a thread everything works fine, but since the searching operation takes a while it isn't very practical.

Any ideas?

The relevant code is fairly straightforward:

void fs::on_search_button_clicked() {

//this is a Gtk::ScrolledWindow
 db_searcher::db_searcher *dbs = Gtk::manage(new db_searcher());

 Glib::ustring search_string = search_entry.get_text();

 notebook.append_page(*dbs, search_string);

Glib::Thread::create(sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &fs::search_db),(dbs),(search_string)), false);



void fs::search_db(db_searcher::db_searcher *dbs, Glib::ustring search_string) {


 sigc::slot<bool> timeout_slot = sigc::mem_fun(*this, &fs::on_timeout);
sigc::connection timeout_connection = Glib::signal_timeout().connect(timeout_slot, 50);

//this is the reason I use a thread since the searching takes a while







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