Re: Gtk::Main and Glib::OptionContext

On Wed, 2006-09-27 at 08:18 +0200, Murray Cumming wrote:
> > The reference manual seems to suggest that the following makes sense:
> >
> >   try { Gtk::Main application ( ac , av , context ) ; }
> >   catch ( Glib::OptionError e ) { std::cout << e.what ( ) << std::endl ;
> > return 1 ; }
> It's unlikely to be the problem (and I haven't read this whole thread
> yet), but you should catch exceptions by const reference:
> catch (const Glib::OptionError& e )

Indeed.  Too much Java :-)

To summarize, I have three problems:

1.  The code:

  Glib::ustring name ( "gfontbrowser" ) ;
  bool version ( FALSE ) ;
  Glib::OptionEntry entry ;
  entry.set_long_name ( _( "version" ) ) ;
  entry.set_description ( _( "Show version and exit." ) ) ;
  Glib::OptionGroup options ( name , "GFontBrowser" ) ;
  options.add_entry ( entry , version ) ;
  Glib::OptionContext context ( _( "-- A font browser for GTK+,
Fontconfig, Pango based systems." ) ) ;
  context.add_group ( options ) ;
  context.set_main_group ( options ) ;
  Gtk::Main application ( ac , av , context ) ;

does what it is expected to but if I replace the last line with:

  try { Gtk::Main application ( ac , av , context ) ; }
  catch ( const Glib::OptionError & e ) { std::cout << e.what ( ) <<
std::endl ; return 1 ; }

then I get a seg fault.

2.  When either of the above start I get a whole slew of error messages
report assertion violations but I have no idea why:

(gfontbrowser:8064): Gnome-CRITICAL **: gnome_program_get_app_id:
assertion `program != NULL' failed
(gfontbrowser:8064): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_string_prepend: assertion
`val != NULL' failed
(gfontbrowser:8064): Gnome-CRITICAL **: gnome_program_get_app_id:
assertion `program != NULL' failed
(gfontbrowser:8064): GConf-CRITICAL **: gconf_escape_key: assertion
`arbitrary_text != NULL' failed
(gfontbrowser:8064): GConf-CRITICAL **: gconf_client_add_dir: assertion
`gconf_valid_key (dirname, NULL)' failed
(gfontbrowser:8064): Gnome-CRITICAL **: gnome_program_locate_file:
assertion `program != NULL' failed
(gfontbrowser:8064): Gnome-CRITICAL **: gnome_program_locate_file:
assertion `program != NULL' failed
(gfontbrowser:8064): Gnome-CRITICAL **: gnome_program_get_app_id:
assertion `program != NULL' failed
(gfontbrowser:8064): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_string_prepend: assertion
`val != NULL' failed
(gfontbrowser:8064): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_accel_map_add_entry: assertion
`_gtk_accel_path_is_valid (accel_path)' failed
(gfontbrowser:8064): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_widget_set_accel_path:
assertion `_gtk_accel_path_is_valid (accel_path)' failed
(gfontbrowser:8064): Gnome-CRITICAL **: gnome_program_get_app_id:
assertion `program != NULL' failed
(gfontbrowser:8064): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_string_prepend: assertion
`val != NULL' failed
(gfontbrowser:8064): Gnome-CRITICAL **: gnome_program_get_app_id:
assertion `program != NULL' failed
(gfontbrowser:8064): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_string_prepend: assertion
`val != NULL' failed
(gfontbrowser:8064): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_widget_set_accel_path:
assertion `_gtk_accel_path_is_valid (accel_path)' failed
(gfontbrowser:8064): Gnome-CRITICAL **: gnome_program_get_app_id:
assertion `program != NULL' failed

3.  When the program terminates I get:

*** glibc detected *** free(): invalid pointer: 0x080b9910 ***

If I replace the C++ above with the C code:

 gboolean version ( FALSE ) ;
  const GOptionEntry options[] = {
    { "version" , 0 , 0 , G_OPTION_ARG_NONE , &version , _( "Show
version and exit." ) , 0 } ,
    { 0 , '\0' , 0 , G_OPTION_ARG_NONE , 0 , 0 , 0 }
  } ;
  GError * error ( 0 ) ;
  GOptionContext *const context ( g_option_context_new ( _( "-- A font
browser for GTK+, Fontconfig, Pango based systems." ) ) ) ;
  g_option_context_add_main_entries ( context , options ,
"gfontbrowser" ) ;
  g_option_context_add_group ( context , gtk_get_option_group
( TRUE ) ) ;
  const bool success ( g_option_context_parse ( context , &ac , &av ,
&error ) ) ;
  g_option_context_free ( context ) ;
  if ( ! success ) { std::cout << error->message << std::endl ; return
1 ; }
  if ( version ) { std::cout << g_get_prgname ( ) << " v" << VERSION <<
std::endl ; return 0 ; }
  Gtk::Main application ( ac , av ) ;

everything works fine, no assertion failures.

I should note problem 4: I get different help output.  the C gives:

  gfontbrowser [OPTION...] -- A font browser for GTK+, Fontconfig, Pango
based systems.

Help Options:
  -?, --help               Show help options
  --help-all               Show all help options
  --help-gtk               Show GTK+ Options

GTK+ Options
  --class=CLASS            Program class as used by the window manager
  --name=NAME              Program name as used by the window manager
  --screen=SCREEN          X screen to use
  --sync                   Make X calls synchronous
  --gtk-module=MODULES     Load additional GTK+ modules
  --g-fatal-warnings       Make all warnings fatal

Application Options:
  --version                Show version and exit.
  --display=DISPLAY        X display to use

whereas the C++ gives:

  gfontbrowser [OPTION...] -- A font browser for GTK+, Fontconfig, Pango
based systems.

Help Options:
  -?, --help                 Show help options
  --help-all                 Show all help options
  --help-gtk                 Show GTK+ Options

  --gfontbrowser-version     Show version and exit.

GTK+ Options
  --class=CLASS              Program class as used by the window manager
  --name=NAME                Program name as used by the window manager
  --screen=SCREEN            X screen to use
  --sync                     Make X calls synchronous
  --gtk-module=MODULES       Load additional GTK+ modules
  --g-fatal-warnings         Make all warnings fatal

Application Options:
  --gfontbrowser-version     Show version and exit.
  --display=DISPLAY          X display to use

but I had expected the output to be the same.
Dr Russel Winder                +44 20 7585 2200
41 Buckmaster Road              +44 7770 465 077
London SW11 1EN, UK             russel russel org uk

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