Re: Drawing on a DrawingArea without using polymorphism

On 9/18/06, Atma <fcamblor gmail com> wrote:

Hi there !

I'd like to draw a line on a drawing area.
I succeeded by creating a subclass of DrawingArea and overriding the
on_expose_event() method... but I no longer want to use this behaviour.
So I used signals in order to delegate this task :

Gtk::DrawingArea* mainDrawingArea;
// Initializing my drawing area...

Then, implementing drawMainArea() :
bool SignalsLinker::drawMainArea(GdkEventExpose *event){
         printf("Draw !\n");

The "draw" is successfully displayed !
Now, what I'd want to know, is the way of retrieving my concerned
DrawingArea in order to gather the corresponding Window object and draw
lines on it .. is it possible ?
(note : I won't have any pointer on my DrawingArea in my SignalsLinker class
... wouldn't it be possible to retrieve it with the GdkEventExpose object
given ?)

Thanks in advance ;)

You could always use sigc::bind to pass a pointer to the DrawingArea
along as a parameter to your drawMainArea() handler.


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