Re: GTKEntry, need help with Multi-Threading & GUI Updating....

Hello Nickolai, & everyone else,

I've found a GREAT solution to the problem I described about how to update a GUI Dialog running in a "main thread" while it was receiving data from another Thread w/in the same process in GTKMM

Simple, really.  Here's the code:

class  Class
     // glib connection for a timer
     sigc::connection m_con;    ///< Timer Connection

    // Update GUI Method
     bool  m_bUpdateGUI(void)
    {  // Update Interface
        while( Gtk::Main::events_pending() )
       return true;
      };    ///< returns true so that timer is not halted

}; // Class

  // Set up Timer
m_con = Glib::signal_timeout().connect( sigc::mem_fun( *this, &CCramWinMain::m_bUpdateGUI ), 100 );
} // ctor


1st - declare the      sigc::connection m_con;   Attribute of the class &
declare the bool m_bUpdateGUI(void); Method which is used as the primary call back for the timer.

2nd - in the class's constructor (ctor), set up the connection:
m_con = Glib::signal_timeout().connect( sigc::mem_fun( *this, &CCramWinMain::m_bUpdateGUI ), 100 );

That's it. Now my GUI is updated often enough so that the data from the Secondary Thread, when it is passed to the primary Thread, is properly updated w/in the GTK::Entry field I'm using as the display field.

Took me a while to figure this one out but it sames me from getting a gtkmm error message about the 'update' method being in another Thread and then the program crashing because the Secondary thread is calling the Primary Thread's UpdateGUI method. Gtkmm doesn't like that.

Thanks all!!! And thank you Nickolai for emailing me! I really appreciate your help. :-)

Nickolai Dobrynin wrote:

As far as threading goes, the following should help: Scroll down to 4.12.

Also, let me get this straight: the way you set things up is by having your other thread generate numeric data, which you then pass to the GUI thread (however that's done) for displaying. If my understanding is correct,
then you shouldn't need anything like

 while( Gtk::Main::events_pending() )

If all else is done right, set_text(...)  will do the job.



Sincerely, Allen

Gene Allen Saucier, Jr
Senior Software Engineer
CAS, Inc
100 Quality Circle
Huntsville, AL  35806
PO Box 11190
Huntsville, AL  35814
(256) 922-6453 (w)
"As for I and my house, we shall follow the Lord"  Joshua 25:14

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