Re: RcStyle::set_bg_pixmap_name() working only for some classes

On Tue, 2006-10-17 at 15:26 -0500, Matt Hoosier wrote:
> I'd like to install a pixmap (not known until runtime) as the
> background image for a widget.
> Using a custom RcStyle with the "bg_pixmap" property set seems like it
> ought to do the chore:
>   Gtk::Widget w = ...;
>   const Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::RcStyle> style = Gtk::RcStyle::create ();
>   style->set_bg_pixmap_name (Gtk::STATE_NORMAL, "/path/to/image.png");
>   w.modify_style (style);
> This only seems to work for those classes (and not their derived
> classes) which are not GTK_WIDGET_NO_WINDOW. That is, it works for
> Gtk::DrawingArea, Gtk::EventBox, and a couple of others.
> If I try to instantiate "w" above as an instance of the following class:
>     class DerivedEventBox : public Gtk::EventBox
>     {
>         public:
>             DerivedEventBox () : Gtk::EventBox () {}
>             virtual ~DerivedEventBox() {}
>     };
> the background PNG does not appear. Yet if I do a trivial
> GObject-based subclass of GtkEventBox and use the result of
> Glib::wrap() as the value of "w" above, the pixmap appears [as
> expected?].
> Is there some subtlety to the way that the GType inheritance works in
> parallel with the C++ inheritance?

I wonder whether this bug is causing it:

Can you try the GTK+ patch to rule that out?

Murray Cumming
murrayc murrayc com

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