ListStore iteration

I have an application consisting of a DrawingArea, with a ListStore next
to it, in which I display the names of some image files, to be displayed
in the DrawingArea. I can select an image from the list, read it from disk
into a pixbuf and display it into the drawing area just fine. 

What I want to do is to loop through all the images upon the click of a
button. I know how to do that too, but the images don't get displayed one
by one in the drawing area, as the iterator advances. This is how I'm
doing this:

void MainWindow::on_SaveAllButton_clicked()
    // Members:

    // class Gtk::TreeView * ItemSelector;
    // Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::ListStore> SelStore_; 
    // Gtk::DrawingArea Darea1;

    // Get a pointer to selection.
    Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::TreeSelection> Selection_=ItemSelector->get_selection();

    // Get the rows.
    Gtk::TreeModel::Children rows=SelStore_->children();
    Gtk::TreeModel::iterator r;

    for(r=rows.begin(); r!=rows.end(); r++){

	// Doesn't seem necessary.
	Gtk::TreeModel::Row row=*r;

        // Load and DISPLAY the pixbuf, upon select().

	// do something to the image.


What am I doing wrong that the images don't get displayed? Thanks!

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