Re: Handling document creation

On Fri, 2006-11-17 at 12:12 -0200, Arthur Maciel wrote:
> Hi there.
> I want to create a gtkmm program to handle medical prescription
> recipes, giving to the user the possibility to creat a header, a
> footer, and, as he wants, typing the name of the specifc compund(s)
> and its(their) posology. The user should be able to visualize it,
> before printing.
> Two questions here:
> 1) How to handle this document creation/visualization process? Is
> there any widget that can hold this?

Maybe some kind of canvas, ideally cairo-based, so you can easily print
from it. You might even use an SVG format for the layout. 

There are various canvas APIs around at the moment:

I don't know which would be most suitable.

HTML is also the easy option for output, maybe using gtkmozembed to
embed a mozilla gecko widget.

> 2) Is there any portable printing interface that can be used to manage
> the final document printing among many OS?
> I appreciate your attention and help.

In newer versions of gtkmm, you can use the cairo drawing API, and the
GTK+ printing classes.

Murray Cumming
murrayc murrayc com

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