custom treemodel and cell renderers

Hi all,
i'm building a treeview on a custom treemodel based on std::vector.
My wish is to build it without knowing the number and the type of the treecolumns at build time. I decided to come back to more fondamental widgets to do it, i.e. implementing this with cellrenderers. My question is this one. I don't know if i give you enough informations to have an answer. Sorry for my misunderstanding. I'm lost in the documentation.

Why does the data access must be implemented in two methods?

1) m_TreeviewColum.set_cell_data_func(m_CellRendererText,sigc::mem_fun(*this,&class::access));
for each CellRenderer to access the data

2) virtual void get_value_vfunc(const TreeModel::iterator& iter, int column, Glib::ValueBase& value) const;
which should be overwritten when implementing a customtreemodel?



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