strange behaviour with Gtk::Image


I am programming a GUI. In it I have one notebook with a couple Gtk::Images,
which I display at different pages, and also a Gtk::Drawingarea which
displays always the histogram of the current page. So far all functions I
implemented work. But when I move the mouse in the field of the
Gtk::Drawingarea my displayed Gtk::Image flickers. It is not looking very
nice, because pretty large images are created. And you can actually see the
It seems like it is getting a queue_draw() command. Problem is I don’t send
one. I checked my routines within the motion events. But I have multiple
Gdk::POINTER_MOTION_MASKs in my GUI integrated to catch the mouse position
(in all display widges). Could it be that motion masks interference each
other and do some undefined stuff? I don’t have a lot of practice with
gtkmm. I just started a couple weeks ago. 

Thank you for your help

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