Re: custom TreeModel

--- Jonathon Jongsma <jonathon jongsma gmail com>

>  In any case, i put
> a tarball up
> here:
> If you get a chance to look at it that'd be great.
> Thanks,
> Jonner
Hi Jonathon

I have downloaded your tarball and gave it a trial. 
First of all it does do the trick. It is way simpler
to inherit from your class than to inherit from
(implement) TreeModel directly.
I see that you got rid of the GlueItem used in the
Gtkmm example and I think this made your code clearer
and possibly more efficient.
I experimented with removing the virtual inheritance,
and recompiled without related warnings. (would you
please post your compiler's output for the warnings
you mentioned).
Originally I got three warnings, one concerning the
order of base classes instantiation. Rearranging the
classes in inheritance list, and in the initialization
list of the constructor gets rid of this warning.
Two other warnings were caused by signed/unsigned
integer comparison. These are trivial and actually
usual when you use STL containers that use size_t for
sizes and indexes.

I have built the example against (Gtkmm 2.6.4) (this
is the one that comes with my Linux distro), (not
2.8.0) . I can't be sure if this should make a
relative difference. Of course your configure script
complained about the wrong version of Gtkmm. I needed
to extract the sources away and compiled them using a
generic Makefile I use for gtkmm examples.


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