Compiling gtkmm Ubuntu Breezy 5.10

Thanks to Murray, I found this page:

about 30 minutes after I futzed around getting gtkmm to build. I'd volunteer to build gnome clean on Breezy and track exactly what needs to be installed, but I'm not spending another 3-4 hours compiling everything.

But I did take some notes as I was building things and I thought I'd post them on the list in case someone is googling later.

The worst part was getting 'git' installed correctly (Oh, that Linus and his sense of humor...) Anyway the moral of the story is:

DO NOT DO THIS: apt-get install git

Instead, download a copy of git and build it. And make sure the curl headers are installed.

If ~/bin doesn't exist:
mkdir ~/bin

export PATH=$PATH:~/bin
Or add ~/bin to your .bash_profile or .profile or what not and source it.

apt-get install docbook-xsl
apt-get install docbook-to-man
apt-get install libcurl3-dev
apt-get install libtiff4-dev

bunzip2 git-1.3.3.tar.bz2
cd git-1.3.3
make install

Stage 15/21 Configuring cairo
pkg-config can't find libpng.

FIX: cp /usr/lib/pkgconfig/libpng12.pc ~/src/gnome2/build/lib/pkgconfig/libpng12.pc

Anyway, thanks for the help in getting this thing building.


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