Re: docs tarball

On 3/21/06, Doug McLain <doug nostar net> wrote:
> I've been trying on an off for quite a few weeks to download the tarball:
> I always get a partial download.  Can someone fix this, or point me to a
> location of another tarball somewhere please?  Thx.
> Doug

I'm frankly not quite sure what that tarball is.  I'm guessing that
it's the documentation of gtkmm, glibmm (and gnomemm?) all rolled into
one package, but I can't seem to download it either.  The
documentation can be built from the source tarballs, however.  So if
you already have the source, you may not need to download the
documentation tarball.

In addition, if you're using linux, it would probably be easiest to
just install the -doc packages from your distribution (i.e.
libgtkmm-2.4-doc in debian-based distributions, plus any other
documentation you want, such as glibmm, gnomevfsmm, etc.).  Then you
can browse the documentation locally at, for example,
/usr/share/doc/libgtkmm-2.4-doc/ (or wherever it actually gets
installed).  I believe Cedric's windows installer package gives the
option to install documentation as well.

On a related note, however, I've noticed that the website that hosts
gtkmm is incredibly unresponsive, and this may just be a symptom of
that.  Sometimes when I'm browsing documentation online, it takes more
than several minutes after clicking a link before the new page loads. 
It can get incredibly frustrating.

As far as I know, the gtkmm website is hosted on sourceforge servers. 
Is there any possibility of hosting it on the servers
instead of sourceforge to make the site more responsive?  Currently
it's really painful for me to browse the documentation when I'm on a
computer that doesn't have local documentation installed.  Does
anybody else experience this?


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