Editing a column

	Hi !

	I've created a signal in the cell-renderer, and now I finally have a
method which is called when any of the columns in the treeview is

void MainWindow::onColEdited(const Glib::ustring& path_string, 
	const Glib::ustring& new_text);

	However, this signal doesn't give you any clue about which column was
really edited: path_string contains the row, which can be useful, but
the number of the column is not passed in.

	This time, I've explored the tutorial, but the tutorial assumes that
there's only one editable column, and it used the pointer to that column

	However, I need to centralize the event of an edited column in one
method, because I don't know how many [editable] columns I'm going to
have before start.

	Any help ?





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