Re: Glib error

On Mon, 30 Jan 2006 16:04:39 +0200, Bob Caryl <bob fis-cal com> wrote:

Volosatov Alexander wrote:

I have:

list<Glib::ustring> string_Fish_name;
Gtk::Combo combo_Fish_name;
DB fish_info; //class-interface for DB
//if Connection OK
if (fish_info.DB_Connect("") == -1)
	// if query OK
	if (fish_info.DB_SQL_Query("SELECT fish_name FROM t_fish") == -1)
		//if count(row) > 0
		if (fish_info.DB_Result_n() > 0)
			//getting result
			string_Fish_name = fish_info.DB_Result_values(0);


ERROR: Glib-ERROR **::gmem.c:174:faild allocate 16 bytes

Sometimes crach after;
Sometimes after 5-10 seconds.

When I use:
string_Fish_name.push_back("fish one");
string_Fish_name.push_back("fish two");
no prolems.

Problems were only after using access to DB

How to solve?
Please help.
Any questions? - I answer.
gtkmm-list mailing list
gtkmm-list gnome org

Your information is sketchy; but, the = operator for a std::list
requires that its argument be a std::list of the exact same type, so if
the call to DB_Result_values(0) does not return a list<Glib::ustring>
then your results are to be expected.


It has the same type:

list<Glib::ustring> DB::DB_Result_cols()
	list<Glib::ustring> col_name;
	if (DB_Status_Result() && (DB_Result_coln() > 0))
		for (int i = 0; i < DB_Result_coln(); ++i)
			col_name.push_back(PQfname(result, i));
	return col_name;

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