Re: Button in a dialog

Hey Baltasar,

I am also using Glade, but I am not using the source it produces. Nevertheless, if when designing your dialog box you should set the dialog itself to NOT be modal in the properties window of Glade. This results in the dialog not closing at all regardless of what buttons are pushed. This will give you the flexibility you seek, but you'll have to close the dialog manually when the Gtk::RESPONE is one where closing the dialog would be appropriate.


J. Baltasar Garcia Perez-Schofield wrote:

	Hi, there !

	Okay, only one more question.  o:-)

	using gtkmm 2.4, and glade and Anjuta.

	I have a dialog "dlgProperties", in which I need a help button to
display some information, but *not* finish the dialog. glade/glademm
created the source code for me (inside the constructor):

	dlgProperties->add_action_widget(*butHelp, Gtk::RESPONSE_HELP);

	My problem is that this makes the dialog to be finished, and I just
want it to display some info and let the dialog continue with its
processing until the user presses the button "Close", which works

	So I tried:
	dlgProperties->add_action_widget(*butHelp, Gtk::RESPONSE_NONE);

	But didn't worked out. I really want the button in the area in which it
appears, near to the close button, but I don't want it to close the
dialog after displaying the help info.

	How can I do that ?

	Salud !



PBC -- J. Baltasar García Perez-Schofield
jbgarcia en uvigo de es
Dep. Informática, Universidad de Vigo, España (Spain)

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