Re: Update for the gtkmm tutorial about Debian

Scribit Jonathon Jongsma dies 21/01/2006 hora 09:28:
> While I can't speak for anybody else, I've found that contributions
> and criticisms are quite welcome.

OK, great.

> Like all open-source projects, there's a shortage of manpower so
> obviously bugs with a patch attached are likely to be implemented more
> quickly.

I'll try to give such patches ASAP.

> As you're learning, feel free to suggest ways that the documentation
> is unclear or could be improved as well.

Here we go: I'm on the page of the radio buttons, and I have a couple of

First, I can't understand why


can't work... Especially if it is because the group returned by
get_group() is modified by set_group(). If modification by the second or
third button has an impact on the group of the first, I would presume
the data returned is a reference or a pointer.

The problem is, you tell something not obvious but there is no link to
an explanation. Going to the reference is of no help because the
get_group() method has absolutely no documentation.

Second, you continue the tutorial and instead of giving the OO-expected
group.add(m_rb1) or something like, you use Gtk::manage(), of which we
only only know it has a memory management purpose. Again, going to the
reference is of no help, because that function too has absolutely no

Why not use:

      Gtk::RadioButton::Group group;
      Gtk::RadioButton m_rb1(group,"button1"),

The problem here is the curious beginner will encounter too many
pedagogical pitfalls, IMHO.

BTW, why do the example use:

Gtk::Main kit(argc, argv);
Gtk::Window window;

Instead of:

Gtk::Main kit(argc, argv);
Gtk::Window window;;

The latter syntax is more object oriented, and moreover enables one to
enhance or adapt the event loop by using another object (probably
derived from Gtk::Main).

Nowhere man
PS: for the beginner willing to send patches for the doc, a link to the
CVS or Subversion repository in the beginning of the tutorial would be
nowhere man levallois eu org
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