What's the current status on building and/or using gtkmm with MSVC 2005?

I would like to know if gtkmm 2.8.x can be built by, or used with MS
Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition.

Some background info: I'm currently in the process of porting
SharpConstruct from Linux to Win32, which uses gtkmm. I downloaded the
binary installer from http://www.pcpm.ucl.ac.be/~gustin/win32_ports/,
and I can successfully compile and link the app, but at runtime almost
nothing really works. The problem has to be the gtkmm DLLs, because if
I copy-paste the code fragments where the crashes occur into small
test programs, the crashes disappear.

Therefore, if gtkmm has some known problems with MSVC 2005, I would
like to know about them. It could be a compiler bug, but it could also
be something inside gtkmm that is wrong.

Excuses If this is not the right list to discuss gtkmm on Win32.

(defun f(p x)(If(Eq x nil)nil(If(p(Car x))(Cons(Car x)(f p(Cdr x)))(f p
(Cdr x)))))(defun q(x)(Q nil x))(defun Q(a x)(If(Eq x nil)a(Q(Cons(Car
x)(Q a(f(Lt(Car x))(Cdr x))))(f(Gt(Car x))(Cdr x)))))

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