Re: Fancy widget

Foster, Gareth wrote:

Hello list,

I am after creating a program that features some writing on a card. I'd like
the writing to appear as hand writing on a white piece of card. Would also
be nice to be able to flip the card over to see the result.

So that is my image of what I'd want the thing to look like. I can create
the impression of handwriting using some suitable font, that bit is easy
enough. Any thoughts on the rest of the things mentioned there? Obviously
getting that exact look would be quite difficult, but I thought maybe people
might have ideas about getting a good approximation. If it turns out that
getting that exact look is easy, then that would do as well of course!

Thanks for any ideas/feedback.

gtkmm-list mailing list
gtkmm-list gnome org

You might consider creating your card image(s) with Gimp and do your font rendering on top of it. As for flipping it over, several images that could be displayed sequentially would essentially animate that for you. In our POS application on the fueling screen we render special buttons that represent fuel dispensers. We display images on the buttons to illustrate the operational state of the dispenser. When a dispenser is calling, or if it has gone complete and needs payment, the image for those states are animated (motion catches the human more than anything else). I created 16 frames for each of these animations and just display them in sequence.

fn:Robert Caryl
org:Fiscal Systems, Inc.
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