Re: Who is your daddy?

On Tue, 2006-02-14 at 11:21 -0500, jalqadir netscape net wrote:
> Learning about HBox, I found out that its parent is Box, but I can't
> understand if Box's parent is Obj, widget, Container or if there is
> some other objet that is its parent class since it is not clearly
> specified. I am basing my knowledge of this, or the lack of it, on the
> html documentation. I can always go to the source code and find out
> who is who and what is what, but that would defeat the documentation's
> purpose.
> I remember that the old documentation had a hierarchy tree, where all
> I had to do was to click on the parent class and that was it.

Works for me:

>  Is there a way with this new documentation?

What new documentation?

Murray Cumming
murrayc murrayc com

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