Re: determine the the type of an object

So the toolbar reconnect function gets a Gtk::Widget (the active tab),
and i need to know the class of this widget:

// connect the toolbuttons to the widget
void RecordToolbar::reconnect(Gtk::Widget *aWidget)
toolbutton_first.signal_clicked().connect( sigc::mem_fun(*aWidget,
&[HERE I NEED THE CLASS OF THE WIDGET]::on_record_first) );
Do you now can I solve this problem?
In theory you may create a second base class for your tabs. Your code
will be something like:

class AbstractTab{
 virtual void on_toolbar1()=0;
 virtual void on_toolbar2()=0;

class MyPageWidget : public Gtk::Widget , public AbstractTab{
 virtual void on_toolbar1();
 virtual void on_toolbar2();

void MyPageWidget::on_toolbar1()
  //write here the custom code of your tab

and ALLWAYS reconnect with

toolbutton_first.signal_clicked().connect( sigc::mem_fun(*aWidget,
  &AbstractTab::on_record_first) );

Each time the signal with different "this" but same function address
will be reconnected.

I never used virtual functions with sigc, so I could be missing
something obvious.
Anyway hope this post will be of some use :)

BTW don't forget to disconnect all other signals before/after a new handler.

WBR, Pavlo Korzhyk

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