[Help] Glademm on Windows 32

Hello ! I'm french, so excuse my faults thanks ! :D

I'm trying to use glademm with dev-cpp to generate  gtk windows.
I followed all steps of your tutorial (set path, ...)  but i have always the same error :

"Error running glade-- to generate the C++ source code.  Check that you
have glade-- installed and that it is in your PATH. Then try running
'glade-- <project_file.glade>' in a terminal"

In DOS, here what it printed "Running glade-- on  file test1.glade ..." and then it stops with an Window's error
I tried glade-- in two differents machines and the same error again..

I've already tried to build in folder without spaces, errors again and again.

Please anwser me !

Thank you a lot !


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