Re: gtk

On Aug 8, 2006, at 9:43 AM, Bill Cunningham wrote:
  Ok I used reply all this time. :) The options at compile time that I
ususally use is really only --prefix=/usr maybe some other switches
with --x-includes if that option is available. I tried compiling all this stuff without XFree and I don't think it worked because I'm assuming XFree provides frame buffer support. I want to compile xxms and firefox and maybe
work on some basic packages of the gnome desktop.

A few things: one, you do need to build with XFree - otherwise it won't do anything useful. Also, installing to /usr is stepping on your distro's domain, and quite susceptible to problems. Installing to /usr/local puts stuff in a location the distro has actually reserved (or should reserve) for you to use for your own software.

IIRC, XMMS uses GTK 1.2. You'll need to install that separately. beep-media-player is based on the XMMS source code and does use GTK2 though.

If you install pkg-config and all the glib/gtk stuff to the same prefix, as long as pkg-config is in your PATH, you won't have any problems with needing to set PKG_CONFIG_PATH (unless you somehow override the default pkg-config search path.

- Michael

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