Re: virtual inheritance and Glib::Interface

On 4/7/06, Murray Cumming <murrayc murrayc com> wrote:
> Another reason that occurs to me: We generally use virtual inheritance
> to share class data (member variables), but there are no member
> variables in Glib::Interface - just in the base classes which are
> shared. Hopefully we don't lose too many bytes just by having the the
> class instance itself.

True.  There's probably not a big penalty at all here.  Out of
curiosity, I just did a couple very simplistic tests and thought the
results were sort of interesting.  Here's the first test program:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#define VIRTUAL // virtual

class base
      base(void) { cout << "base created" << endl;}
      void baseFunc(void) {}

class derived1 : VIRTUAL public base
      void derived1Func(void) {}

class derived2 : VIRTUAL public base
      void derived2Func(void) {}

class derived3 : VIRTUAL public base
      void derived3Func(void) {}

class derived4 : VIRTUAL public base
      void derived4Func(void) {}

class mostderived :
   public derived1,
   public derived2,
   public derived3,
   public derived4
      void mostderivedFunc(void) {}

int main()
   mostderived d;
   cout << "sizeof d is " << sizeof(d) << endl;
   return 0;

When VIRTUAL is not defined I get the following output:
base created
base created
base created
base created
sizeof d is 4

When VIRTUAL is defined as 'virtual', I get the following:
base created
sizeof d is 16

This seems to imply that using virtual inheritance actually
/increases/ the memory usage when the inherited classes don't have any
data members. On the other hand, when I added a sub-base class (think
of it as an equivalent to Glib::ObjectBase, whereas base is the
equivalent to Glib::Interface) that does have data members (as
Glib::ObjectBase does) but is inherited virtually from base, the
memory usage is exactly the same.

Test Code:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#define VIRTUAL virtual

struct myStruct
   int something;

class basebase
      basebase() { cout << "basebase created" << endl; }
      bool x;
      const char* y;
      myStruct* cobj;

class base : virtual public basebase
      base(void) { cout << "base created" << endl;}
      void baseFunc(void) {}

class derived1 : VIRTUAL public base
      void derived1Func(void) {}

class derived2 : VIRTUAL public base
      void derived2Func(void) {}

class derived3 : VIRTUAL public base
      void derived3Func(void) {}

class derived4 : VIRTUAL public base
      void derived4Func(void) {}

class mostderived :
   public derived1,
   public derived2,
   public derived3,
   public derived4
      void mostderivedFunc(void) {}

int main()
   mostderived d;
   cout << "sizeof d is " << sizeof(d) << endl;
   return 0;

Output when VIRTUAL is undefined:
basebase created
base created
base created
base created
base created
sizeof d is 28

Output when VIRTUAL is defined as 'virtual':
basebase created
base created
sizeof d is 28

I'm not exactly sure what to make of these results.  But in any case,
it appears that there's not a lot of difference either way.


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