Re: New GTK+ classes to wrap

У пон, 03. 04 2006. у 15:49 -0500, Jonathon Jongsma пише:
> your cairo was not compiled with png support.  It is safe to
> ignore that as it's just an example program.  It really should be
> protected with an #ifdef, as Armin suggested.  I'll fix that soon.

I have both cairo and cairo-1.0.4 - are they both necessary?
Running ./configure in both at the end gives:
  PNG functions: yes

And cairomm, as a wrapper, doesn't check for these things in
the configure script.

The thing is that when I ignore the example compiling error,
the installation fails too:

--- In function ‘int main()’: error: ‘class Cairo::ImageSurface’ has no member
named ‘write_to_png’
make[2]: *** [text-rotate.o] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory
`/home/marko/cvs/gnome2/cairomm/examples/text-rotate'make[1]: ***
[install-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/marko/cvs/gnome2/cairomm/examples'
make: *** [install-recursive] Error 1
*** error during stage install of cairomm: could not make module ***

  [1] rerun stage install
  [2] ignore error and continue to done
  [3] give up on module
  [4] start shell

Continuing to done leads to "success". The module is not installed
properly and doesn't show up in pkg-config --list-all.


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