RE: Update progress bar without returning to main loop?

> Also note that if I replace
> gdk_window()->process_updates(false)
> with
> get_toplevel()->queue_redraw();
> get_toplevel()->gdk_window()->process_updates(true);
> I get a nice update of the entire window - just as I thought. 
> This may 
> slow down the operation too much if it is done often, however.

Aye, seeing as both methods will be in the example, then we are probably
safe to assume that the user can adapt the code to their requirements, I
made it clear (I hope) in the comments that one method would repaint, and
the other would give control back to gtk momentarilly.

Btw, anyone know where can I take a quick peek at how examples should be
formated (code-wise), I can't seem to find the gtkmm examples in amongst the
mingw/win32 installer files. Are they online somewhere?


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